This page explains how to download trade history from GMO Coin (Fiscal year 2017 and prior)
- For history after 2018, please refer to “How to Download GMO Coin Transaction History File”.
- The downloaded file is a PDF and cannot be uploaded directly to cryptact. It must be pasted into CSV/Excel by yourself.
- Coins received as part of the 2017 campaign need to be uploaded separately as Custom Trade.
1. Start Excel in advance and open the template file.
Template File
2. After logging into GMO Coin, open "口座情報"(Account Details) -> "帳票"(Reports).
3. Set "受信日"(Receive Date) to "20170101 - 20171231", "状態"(Status) to "すべて"(All), "件名"(Subject) to "取引残高報告書"(Statement), and click "検索"(Search) button. Download all "取引残高報告書"(Statement) displayed individually.
4. Open the downloaded PDF. Copy "<現物取引明細>"(Spot Trade Detail) table and paste it to excel.
GMO's trade history is split into multiple PDF files based on month.
If you have downloaded multiple PDFs, please repeat the above process for all of the files.
5. Select "約定日時"(Execution Datetime) colunn, open the Format Cells dialog and enter yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss as the Custom format.
6. Click "ファイル"(File) -> "名前を付けて保存"(Save As), and save the file as "CSV UTF-8" or "Excel Workbook(.xlsx)" format.