How to get trade history from bitFlyer

There are four types of files that you can download from bitFlyer.

The types of files that you will have to download depend on what types of transactions you have.

  • If you have NOT traded FX or Futures:  download "All Trades".
  • If you have traded FX or Futures:  download 4 files; ”All Trades", "Full History on bitFlyer Lightning", "Margin History" and "Conversion History".

Table of Contents:

1. How to donwload

2. About the Maturity Processing of bitFlyer Lightning Futures (Bitcoin Futures) 

3. Request for Confirmation and Action Regarding the Discontinuation of Lightning FX and the Launch of bitFlyer Crypto CFD


1. How to download 

1-1. Click on "Trade Report" , and then "Download Reports".


1-2. Generate / Regenerate trade report. 

  • If you have NOT traded FX or Futures:  download "All Trades".
  • If you have traded FX or Futures:  download 4 files; ”All Trades", "Full History on bitFlyer Lightning", "Margin History" and "Conversion History".


1-3. After you get a email which announce ready for download, click URL on that email for login, and click "Download".


2. About the Maturity Processing of bitFlyer Lightning Futures (Bitcoin Futures)

If you start trading bitFlyer Lightning Futures and do not close them by the maturity date, cryptact will automatically add a transaction called 'SETTLE' and perform the closing process.

The price at this time is determined according to the description of Lightning Futures, using the bitFlyer BTCJPY trading price at 12:05 PM Japan time on the maturity date, as retrieved by cryptact.


3. Request for Confirmation and Action Regarding the Discontinuation of Lightning FX and the Launch of bitFlyer Crypto CFD

We understand that it is not currently possible to obtain the file of the transition history from Lightning FX to bitFlyer Crypto CFD on the bitFlyer site. Therefore, as of 6:00 PM on March 28, 2024, when Lightning FX is discontinued, those who held positions (buy or sell) in Lightning FX will not have their positions transferred to CFD in cryptact, resulting in incorrect calculation results.

As of 6:00 PM on March 28, 2024, when Lightning FX is discontinued, those who held positions in Lightning FX will need to upload the following history in a custom file. You can download the sample file for the custom file from this link(Excel file). *The normal custom file now includes the items "DerivType" and "DerivDetails".

*Volume and Price should be confirmed by yourself and noted accordingly.
*When uploading to cryptact, please upload from the custom file upload box.
How to Upload a Custom File

1. Upload the close history of FX

Timestamp Action Source Base DerivType
DerivDetails Volume Price Counter Fee FeeCcy Comment
2024/3/28 18:00:00 SELL bitflyer BTC fx bitFlyer JPY 0 JPY arbitrary

※Timestamp: Consider setting the transaction time as 2024/03/28 18:00 (JST).

※Action: Please check the positions you held on the discontinuation date. If you were holding a "buy," please upload a "SELL" close history.

※Volume: Please input the position at the end of the fiscal year 2024 for BTC/FX/bitFlyer seen in the "Annual" section of the "Summary" screen.

※Price: Although it is up to you, you may note the average acquisition price


2. Upload a separate open history for CFD

Timestamp Action Source Base DerivType
DerivDetails Volume Price Counter Fee FeeCcy Comment
2024/3/28 21:00:00 BUY bitflyer BTC cfd bitFlyer JPY 0 JPY arbitrary

※Timestamp: Consider setting the transaction time as 2024/03/28 21:00 (JST).

※Action: If "SELL" was action 1, then upload a "BUY" open history for action 2. If action 1 was "BUY," then please set it as "SELL."

※Volume: Refer to the Volume from action 1.

※Price: Refer to the Price from action 1.