How to upload a custom file

This article explains how to upload a custom file. Please also refer to the following articles as needed.

What is a custom file?
Custom File for any other trades



  1. How to upload a custom file.
  2. How to upload a custom file(Using Assistant feature).


1.How to upload a custom file

1.Click "+" icon in the top right-hand corner and click on "Upload files".
スクリーンショット 2023-09-15 150032.png

2.Select ”Custom”.

3.Drop the file and click "Upload."


2.How to upload a custom file(Using Assistant feature).

1.Click "Step ●/●" at the top right corner of the screen(You can move to the Assistant (※1)) . Then in "Select your exchanges and/or blockchains," click on "Select" .
(※1) For more details on the "Assistant" feature, click here.


2. Serect ”Unsupported exchanges/trades/blockchanges"and click on "Comfirm exchanges".


3.In "Upload or Sync your transactions," click on "Add transactions" .


4.Click on”Uploading files”.


5.Drop the file and click "Upload."