How to get an API key for Bitstamp

This page explains how to get an API key for Bitstamp's transaction history (Trades/Withdrawals).


To find out how to download trade history file, please check here.

Note: If you establish API connectivity after uploading trade history via trade history files, any trades that happened during the same "minute" as the last trade uploaded via the file may end up as duplicates. For example, if the last trade uploaded via the file has a timestamp of 12:34:00, the API connection would fetch any trades with the timestamp of 12:34:00 onwards.


■How to get API Key

1. Click the user icon in the upper right and select "Settings".



2. In the Account Settings page, click "API Access", and then click "New API key".


3. In the "API Access", you do not need to select anything.



4. Enable "User transactions".



5. Click "Enter 2FA & Submit".


Connect via Bitstamp API

You can connect Bitget API to cryptact from here.



Please note that we will not be held responsible for any damages caused by unauthorized use or other accidents due to API connections. When connecting, please be sure to use the API key specified by us.