How to add an API key for KuCoin

This page explains how to get an API key for KuCoin's transaction history.

Trade types that can be obtained by API and exchange file.

Please be sure to check here for more details about our support for KuCoin.

How to get API key

1. After logging in, click the circled icon in the upper right corner and click "API Management".


2. Click on "Create API".


3. Input the API Name field (any name is fine), and the API Passphrase field (this is used when connecting the API to Cryptact).

For API Restrictions, select "General".

for IP Restrictions, select "Yes"and enter the below IP. Then click on "Add" and "Next".

4. Two-Factor Authentication


5. After the 2FA verification process, the API is created. Take note of the Key and the Secret displayed on the screen.

* The Secret is displayed only once upon creation. Please copy it and keep it somewhere safe. If you miss this opportunity, you will have to create another API key.


Add API connectivity to KuCoin

Once you have the API key, you can connect from here.




Please note that we will not be held responsible for any damages caused by unauthorized use or other accidents due to API connections. When connecting, please be sure to use the API key specified by us.