How to get trade history from Bitget

This page explains how to get trade history file from Bitget.

Please refer to the below help page for how to obtain API key for Bitget:

How to get an API key for Bitget

Important notes:

  • Exchange income/Exchange spending, Sell/Buy, Gains/Consumption・・Bitget files list transactions like "Exchange income," "Exchange spending," "Buy," and "Sell" across two lines for the same timestamp. For clarity, at cryptact, we treat "Exchange income" and "Buy" as "buy" transactions, and "Exchange spending" and "Sell" as "sell" transactions, even though the file may randomly list transaction types when multiple transactions occur simultaneously.


  1. SPOT trade history
  2. FUTURES trade history
    1. USDT-M futures history
    2. USDC-M future history
    3. Coin-M future history


1. How to download SPOT trade history


Log into Bitget, click on the icon in the upper right corner,then click "Spot Account".

スクリーンショット 2023-10-23 142747.png



In the "Transaction history" menu, click "Spot Records", then click "Export ".

スクリーンショット 2023-10-23 142517.png


Optionally select "Date", then click "Generate". Once the generation is complete,  "Download" button appears. Click it to download and upload it to cryptact

2. How to download FUTURES trade history

* P&L Calculation for Derivatives

Profit and loss calculations are based on the contract’s collateral. If the collateral has increased at the time of settlement it is considered a profit, and if decreased it is considered a loss. Although profit and loss calculation itself is possible, Cryptact is not able to display the detail of the transaction that generated the p&l (e.g. profit generated by ETH leveraged transactions). Please check the trade history from the exchange separately.


1. USDT-M futures history

Log into Bitget, click on the icon in the upper right corner,then click "Futures Account".

スクリーンショット 2023-10-23 142907.png



In the "Transaction history" menu, click "Futures Record", select the "USDT-M Futures" tab, then click "Export".

スクリーンショット 2023-10-23 143132.png



Optionally select "Date", then click "Generate". Once the generation is complete,  "Download" button appears. Click it to download and upload it to cryptact


2. USDC-M futures history

Log into Bitget, click on the icon in the upper right corner,then click "Futures Account".




In the "Transaction history" menu, click "Futures Record", select the "USDC-M Futures" tab, then click "Export".

スクリーンショット 2024-03-18 173134.png



Optionally select "Date", then click "Generate". Once the generation is complete,  "Download" button appears. Click it to download and upload it to cryptact

スクリーンショット 2024-03-18 173245.png


3. Coin-M futures history


Log into Bitget, click on the icon in the upper right corner,then click "Futures Account".

スクリーンショット 2023-10-23 142907.png



In the "Transaction history" menu, click "Futures Record", select the "Coin-M" tab, then click "Export".

スクリーンショット 2023-10-23 143310.png


Optionally select "Date", then click "Generate". Once the generation is complete,  "Download" button appears. Click it to download and upload it to cryptact


Upload trade history from Bitget

After downloading the various trade history files, please upload them via the upload screen.