How to get an API key for Swyftx

This help page explains how to obtain an API key from Swyftx.

Australian Dollar (AUD) has been added as an accounting currency

As of December 21, 2023, Australian Dollar (AUD) is now supported. Please check this settings screen for accounting currency settings. For more details, please check the cryptact news.

Due to the API specifications of the exchange, the "Transaction Report" history can only be synced up to 7 times per day. If you exceed 7 syncs, an error message will be displayed, so please wait a day before trying to sync again.

1. How to Obtain an API Key

1. Click on the icon displaying your initials in the top right corner of the dashboard, and select "Account Settings."


2. From the profile menu, select "API keys," and then choose "Create a key."


3. Select "I understand."


4. Enter a title to manage the created key.

5. Set Scope as "Read only".

6. Click "Continue."


7. Enter your password and click "Continue."


8. Your API key and access token will be displayed. Please make sure to take note of the API key. The access token is not needed when adding the API key to cryptact.



2. Adding the API Key

Please add the API key to cryptact.

(There is no need to enter the access token.)



Please note that our company assumes no responsibility for any damage that may occur to you as a result of unauthorized use or other incidents due to API connections. When connecting, please ensure that you use the API key specified by our company.