How to get trade history from (New) SBI VC Trade

This article explains how to download trade history from (New) SBI VC Trade.

For information on how to download trade history before June from (Former) SBI VC Trade, Please refer to the following article.
How to get trade history from (Former) SBI VC Trade

1. Important note

1.1 Cryptocurrency received as 株主優待(shareholder's benefit)

The cryptocurrency received as part of shareholder's benefit program is handled as Purchased at Market Price. (In the "Transaction details" screen, the trade would have the comment field set to "Other".)

You may also need to recognize it as an income separately, however, this is not in the scope of our cryptocurrency profit & loss calculation. Handling it this way will at least ensure that the book value is accurate, and it also helps with the profit & loss calculation thereafter. Please follow how you handle your other shareholder's benefits and take the necessary steps to meet the reporting requirement.


1.2 Upload trade history from SBI VC Trade

It has been confirmed that you can download trade history from the Former SBI VC Trade (trade history before June 2022) from the New SBI VC Trade screen.

Please note that if you upload a CSV file downloaded from the New SBI VC Trade that contains trade history before June 2022 and a PDF file downloaded from the Former SBI VC Trade via the Cryptact upload screen, you will end up with duplicate transactions.


2. How to download trade history file

1. Log into, and click "トレーダーモード(Trader Mode)" on the left side of the screen.


2. After you log in, click the "報告書(Reports)" menu from the menu bar on the left.



3. Click the "損益計算用データ(PNL Calculation Data" tab.


4. Download all ZIP files that contain TRADE_RECORD_LIST and CASHFLOW.


5. Unzip the ZIP files. Check and confirm you now have CSV files called "CASHFLOW_xxxxxx.csv" and "TRADE_RECORD_LIST_xxxxx.csv".

Reference for Windows users:

Please install 7-zip and follow the below steps to unzip the downloaded files.


1) Right-click the file you want to unzip, and select "7-Zip" from the right-click menu.
2) From the expanded menu, select "Extract files…".
3) Confirm where you want to files to be extracted to. To specify a different directory, click the "…" button next to the "Extract to" field.
4) Click "OK" to extract the files.



3. How to download delegate FLR

We currently support both"デリゲート数量 (月次)" and "ラップ数量(月次)."
Also please note that our system does not distinguish between FLR and WFLR, hence there is no support for WFLR history. For more information on handling wrapped tokens, please refer to the help page:
DeFi: About Wrapped Tokens

If you need to differentiate between FLR and WFLR tokens, please upload their swap history in a custom file.

Custom File for any other trades

2.16 SWAP


1. Click on the "Monthly Operation Status(月次運用状況)" tab in the "FLR Lending Status(FLRレンディング状況)" section on the left-side menu.

2. After opening the "Monthly Operation Status," click on "CSV Download" to obtain the "flr_lending_report.csv" file.

スクリーンショット 2024-03-18 130110.png


4. Upload trade history from SBI VC Trade

Upload the CSV files via the upload screen without opening them. * The files are sorted by month, so please upload them in order starting from the oldest month.