How to get an API key for BitTrade (ex. Huobi Japan)

This page introduces how to obtain the API key for BitTrade transaction history.

Due to the specifications of the exchange, only the past 120 days of history can be obtained from the transaction history connection. For histories older than 120 days, please upload as an exchange file or as custom transactions, and synchronize the API within 120 days regularly to obtain history.

We have confirmed that entering an IP address for ”Store” endpoint results in an error message stating, "Synchronization cannot be performed because the exchange has applied IP restrictions." As a result, connection to the "Store" cannot be synchronized. This issue originates on the exchange side, and we are currently awaiting their response. Therefore, if you do not have "Store" transaction history, please deselect the "Store"option when adding the API to cryptact. Alternatively, if you do have "Store" transaction history, please create the API key without entering an IP address.

1. How to obtain the API

1. Log in, click on "My Page" (マイページ), and then click on "API".


2. Set the following in the IP address settings,,

Select "Read Only" (読取) in the permission settings, and click "Create Secret Key"(秘密鍵を作成)

*Note: Although there is no specific requirement for remarks, please make sure to enter something.

*Note: On February 14, 2023, we made the IP public. If you do not set the IP address, the validity period will be 90 days, requiring you to create it each time. 


3. Perform security authentication



4. Confirm the public key and secret key

Note: Be sure to write down the secret key displayed at the time of creation. If you miss this timing, you will not be able to confirm it and will need to create it again.



2. Add BitTrade API

After obtaining the API, please select BitTrade at the exchange and register.



Please note that our company will not be responsible for any damage incurred by customers due to unauthorized use or other accidents through API connection. Please be sure to use the API key specified by our company when connecting.