How to get trade history from AscendEx

This page explains how to get trade history from AscendEX.

  • Currently, we only support  spot trades. For other trade types, please send us a sample file and we can confirm if they can be processed.
  • Partial executions may not be included in the file. Please upload them separately by a custom file if you would like to include them.

1.After logging in, click profile icon in the top-right corner and then select "Orders" from the list.
スクリーンショット 2023-11-10 120320.png
2.In "Cash Orders", select "Order History".
スクリーンショット 2023-11-10 131151.png

3.Specify date range, and then click "Request to Export"
スクリーンショット 2023-11-10 131251.png

* Date range has a 30 days limit. Please repeat downloading files for the date range less than 30 days and upload them in the order of the oldest date range to the newest.


Upload trade history from AscendEX

After downloading the trade history, please upload it via upload screen.