Note: Using USDT(Tether)
For Bitfinex trades after 17:05 UTC on 29th March 2017, we assume counter currency is USDT if it is shown as USD.
Note: Bitfinex limits trade history download to 2 years at a time
If you have traded with Bitfinex for more than 2 years, please repeat the step 4 through 6 by shifting periods for 3 months, and upload all files by step 7.
1. Click "Reports" in Wallet menu
2. Choose "Trades"
3. Click the period area, and choose the period of your trades.
4. Click "Export"
5. In the pop-up dialog, choose "YY-MM-DD" as date format. Make sure "Display Milliseconds" is off.
6. Upload the file to Cryptact
You'll receive your trade history as a zip attachment to your mailbox.
Upload the zip file to our uploader.
Note, you can also upload a csv file within the zip file; however, please be careful not to overwrite the csv in Excel and break the file format.
7. If you have traded for more than 2 years.
Please repeat step 4 through 6 by changing trade period, and get all trades.
After that, please upload files from the older trades first with "append" mode.