How to download files from Coincheck

On this page, we will introduce how to download transaction history from Coincheck.

Please confirm the status of transaction history support on Coincheck.
Cryptact's Support Status for coincheck

We also automatically supports the "Industry-wide Standard Format".

Here, four types of files, including "Spot trade history" "Recurring buy," "Lending history," and "Cryptocurrency rewards history," are covered. We recognize the comprehensiveness of transaction types, including Coincheck tsumitate, etc. To prevent double counting, if an Industry-wide Standard Format file is uploaded, it will not be possible to upload it to other upload boxes.


1.How to download "Industry-wide Standard Format"
1‐1.How to download
1‐2.Notes: NFT trading history
2.How to download ”Trading History”
2‐1.How to download
2‐2.Notes: NFT trading history(NFT Item Purchase/Purchased)
2‐3.Notes: Purchasing cryptocurrencies with points
3.How to download Leverage trade history
4.How to download Lending history
5.How to download Cryptocurrency rewards history
6.Regarding the old format before 2019


1.How to download "Industry-wide Standard Format"

1‐1.How to download

1.After logging in, please confirm that you are in the "Exchange"
2.Switch tabs and select "Trade History"

3.Click on"Industry-wide Standard Format"

4.Confirm that it says "Industry-wide Standard Format" and proceed to download.

If the annual file download feature is not available, please download the monthly file and upload them sequentially starting from the oldest date file.


1‐2.Notes: NFT trading history

In the Industry-wide Standard Format, both currencies paid/received for NFT transactions and the contract names of the NFTs are listed. Therefore, we reflect these transactions as swap trades. For NFTs, we automatically generate Custom coins based on the contract names listed in the file and reflect them in the cryptact.



2.How to download Trading History

2‐1.How to download

1.Choose "Exchange", click humanoid icon, and click Trading History 
2.Download the annual history. you will need to download them if you have had even one transaction.Then upload them as "append" mode from the oldest file to the newest.mceclip1.png


2‐2.Notes: NFT trading history(NFT Item Purchase/Purchased)

cryptocurrency paid/received for NFT transactions as follows. However, as there are no clear guidelines regarding NFTs, please consult your tax office for final confirmation.

If the "operation" column reads "NFT Item Purchase/Purchased"

  • "Amount" column is positive: Process as a "BUY" (acquisition at market value).
  • "Amount" column is negative: Process as a "PAY" (sale at market value).


2‐3.Notes: Purchasing cryptocurrencies with points

Regarding the purchase of cryptocurrency with points, it will be listed in the transaction history file as "Transaction Type: Other, Remarks: Point Exchange." We automatically treat this as acquisition at market value.

However, using points for something typically requires recognition of income for the points used.

However, this falls outside the scope of cryptocurrency profit and loss calculations.
For cryptocurrency purchased with points, we kindly request that you apply the above treatment to calculate the average acquisition cost and subsequent profit or loss of the cryptocurrency.

As for the recognition of income for points, we recommend handling it based on your own judgment, similar to how other point uses are treated.


3.How to download Leverage trade history

1.Choose "Exchange", click the user icon, and click Trading History 
2.If you have traded leverage trade, the download function will be display under the spot trade history, so Download the annual history. you will need to download them if you have had even one transaction.
Then upload them as "append" mode from the oldest file to the newest.


4.How to download Lending history

1.Choose "Lending" account.

2.Click "Lending" on the menu.mceclip4.png

3.Scroll to the History of lending column and you can find download function.


5.How to download Cryptocurrency rewards history

1. Choose "Lending" account.

2.Click "Settings" on the menu. Click "Cryptocurrency rewards history" then you can find download function.


6.Regarding the old format before 2019

Q. Uploading the file results in an error. I'm unsure which file to download.

At Coincheck, there have been numerous inquiries about upload errors due to uploading incorrect files, as there are various types of files available for download. Please revisit the help page and ensure that you are uploading the correct files.

In Cryptact, you need to download the appropriate files corresponding to "coincheck BUY," "coincheck SELL," "coincheck Exchange History," and "coincheck Send" from the exchange and upload them.

Also, to avoid upload errors, you do not need to upload files for transactions you haven't engaged in.


Q: I can't find the button to download the file.

Do you have any trading experience in the type of transaction you are trying to obtain? If not, the download button may not appear. However, if that's the case, you don't need to upload anything in the first place.

For example, if you have no trading experience on Coincheck exchange (which differs from buying coins on a marketplace), the CSV download button for Coincheck exchange won't be available.