How to download files from Ultorex(CROSS exchange)

This page explains how to get trade history from Ultorex.


  • For those who have previously uploaded their CROSS exchange transaction history to cryptact: If the Ultorex file includes the transaction history from CROSS exchange, please delete any duplicate entries from the transactions to avoid redundancy with the Ultorex history. Additionally, please note that the Ultorex file does not include transaction fees, so they will not be reflected in our records.
  • Please be aware that transaction types "Earn" and "Earn Cancelled" are not automatically supported because the file does not contain sufficient information for these types.


1. How to download Trade History

1. After logging in, click on the right top icon and select "history".
スクリーンショット 2024-02-16 143510.png

2.Select the "Orders" tab, then select the "Trade History" tab.
After choosing the desired period, click "Export Trade History" to download the file.


On the upload page, upload the file to "Ultorex/Trades".


2.How to download Wallet History

1.After logging in, click on the right top icon and select "history".
スクリーンショット 2024-02-16 143510.png

2.Select the "Assets" tab, choose the desired period, and then click "Export Wallet History."


On the upload page, upload the file to "Ultorex/Wallet".