How to fix missing transactions (insufficient position warnings) in bulk

This article gives a pointer on how to fix a large number of missing transactions in bulk.

Please note that this is not a 100% accurate method as the market value of a coin is constantly changing. If you wish to aggregate few missing transactions together to upload them as one transaction, please consult your local tax office about the approach with information such as the elapsed time between these missing transactions, the total amount, etc.


Step 1: Use the filter to show only invalid transactions on the Transactions screen
Step 2: Check which coin you don't have enough of
Step 3: Aggregate missing transactions together to upload as one transaction
Step 4: Check the number of coins



First, please refer to the below article to investigate the cause of the missing transaction history.

■ How to fix invalid transactions caused by "Insufficient position"

If you have gone through the above article and still don't know what transactions are missing, the most standard next step is to use the "assistant" feature to go through invalid transactions one by one and add the missing transaction for each. However, this can be a lot of work if you have many invalid transactions caused by insufficient positions. If the insufficient position warnings are for the same coin, you may consider fixing them all in bulk using the following steps.


Step 1: Use the filter to show only invalid transactions on the Transactions screen

In the "Transactions" screen, click "Status" "Invalid" → "Insufficient position for sale" → "Apply" to apply the filter and show only invalid transactions.


Step 2: Check which coin you don't have enough of

Look at the list of invalid transactions and understand which coin you have insufficient position warnings for.


Step 3: Aggregate missing transactions together to upload as one transaction

If you have insufficient position warnings repeatedly for the same coin, you can aggregate them together and add a single transaction for the total quantity of the coin you need (or slightly more). This should fix all of the invalid transactions due to insufficient position for that coin.

EXAMPLE: To fix the below where you have 14 invalid transactions caused by insufficient position in ETH, add a single BUY transaction for the total number of ETH you need (sum of quantities framed in red = 0.14ETH).

▼ How to add #1:  Upload a BUY transaction using a custom file.

Timestamp Action Source Base Volume Price Counter Fee FeeCcy Comment
Transaction date/time*1 BUY any ETH 0.14 Blank*2 JPY 0 JPY Optional

*1. Set it to a date/time earlier than the oldest invalid transaction with insufficient position warning for this coin. (to fix the above invalid transactions, set it to earlier than 2023/02/11 00:00).
*2. If Base is a supported coin and if Counter is a fiat currency, you can leave this field blank and Cryptact will automatically look up the price. Otherwise, you can enter your own price here.


▼ How to add #2: Enter a BUY transaction manually via the screen.

▼ After adding a transaction for the missing position, you will see that the invalid transactions get fixed as follows.

Step 4: Check the number of coins

After all invalid transactions due to insufficient position are fixed, check that the number of coins in Cryptact matches with the actual number of coins you own.

▼ Go to the "Summary", and check the coin position from "Life to Date" -> "POSITION".

If you added a transaction for slightly more quantity than was missing for that coin, please edit the transaction so that the number of coins in Cryptact matches with the actual number of coins you own.
■ How to add/edit/delete transactions manually from the screen

Now we have fixed multiple invalid transactions with insufficient position warnings in bulk.


As per our terms of use, Cryptact is not responsible for any of the above statements or any events that may arise from taking these actions. If you have any questions about how this applies to your individual circumstances, please consult your own tax adviser.