This article explains what you need to be aware of when you are uploading an exchange file.
"There are four main points to note during the upload:
① Do not open or edit the downloaded CSV file
② Ensure the correct timezone is selected
③ Upload in chronological order of older transaction timestamps
④ You cannot upload transaction history files while the API integration is active
Let's go into detail about each of these points!"
1. As a general rule, do not open or edit files after downloading
If you open or edit files after downloading them from the exchange, they will become corrupted and you will not be able to upload them to cryptact.
Please check below help page for more details:
How to resolve”If you opened or resaved your file, you may not be able to upload”
2. Choose the correct timezone
When it comes to the 'Timezone' displayed on the upload screen, typically there is no need for you to make changes. However, caution is necessary if an orange message appears on the screen, as shown in the example below, especially on some exchanges.
For instance, in the case of Coinbase, the 'Timezone' is set to 'Cryptact Default' (which in this case corresponds to the timezone: Etc/UTC). However, when downloading the transaction history file from Coinbase, there may be rare instances where the file's transaction timestamps are updated to match the time settings on your computer. While no changes are necessary if the file's transaction timestamps are in Etc/UTC time, if they are displayed in Japan time, please change the timezone on the screen to 'Asia/Tokyo' as shown below."
3. Check the datetime of the transactions you want to upload
Please upload files in chronological order of older transaction timestamps for each exchange. To prevent double-counting, only transactions with dates later than those already processed for the same type of file will be handled.
For example, if you've uploaded the 2023 spot trading history file from Exchange A, you cannot upload the 2022 spot trading history file for Exchange A retrospectively. Please upload them in the order of 2021, 2022, and then 2023.
The latest uploaded timestamp for each exchange's file is displayed on the upload screen."
How to check the most recent timestamp for the exchange file:
4.You cannot upload transaction history files while the API integration is active
If API integration is active, you must disconnect the API integration before you can upload files.
It is not possible to link transactions already uploaded via API with transactions you are trying to upload via a file. This limitation means that only transactions with dates later than those already processed via API can be handled. If you prefer to upload all transactions via files instead of API integration, please follow the steps below.
How to switch from using the API to the exchange file for trade history