Introduction to Live View Feature

This help page explains about the Live View Feature.


1.What is the Live View Feature?

By adding the API key obtained from the exchange to cryptact, you can display the balances of cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies you hold at each exchange in real time. Even if you hold cryptocurrencies across multiple exchanges, you can centrally manage and check the amounts for each exchange. For instructions on how to obtain the API key from each exchange, please refer to the help page: Exchange API Connection

Market value:Based on the information provided by the exchange via the API, we display your "Holding balance × Market price".



2.How to Utilize the Live View Feature

In the Live View, you can centrally manage and track coin balances across multiple exchanges.

Please note that at cryptact, the deposit and withdrawal history between your accounts does not affect profit and loss calculations. Therefore, even if you link files or APIs, the deposit and withdrawal history will not be reflected on the transaction list screen. As a result, balances are not displayed by exchange for profit and loss calculations.

Deposit & Withdrawal History for Cryptocurrency

However, as part of the profit and loss calculation process, we ask you to verify that the actual number of coins held matches the balances calculated based on the transaction history you have uploaded. Until now, you needed to check the actual coin holdings on each exchange, but in the future, you will be able to utilize the Live View feature for this purpose.

As of October 2024, the Live View feature only supports exchanges that are linked via API. If you hold coins on other exchanges, please keep in mind that you will need to add those balances separately.


3.Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why is the amount of "positions" displayed in Live View different from the "positions" shown in the "Life to Date" of "Summary" screen? No error messages were displayed during the API connection.

A. Live View displays the holding balances based on the history provided by the exchange through the API. In contrast, the "positions" displayed in the Summary page under "Life to Date" refer to the transaction history that you uploaded to the transaction page. Please check the following:

  • Please double-check whether all your transaction records have been uploaded to the transaction page and ensure that there are no missing uploads. For exchanges like bitFlyer that do not support API integration, the transaction records uploaded using files from the exchange will appear on the transaction page, but since live view cannot upload records via API, the balance may not match.
  • Please check if you have completed the profit and invalid transactions for the relevant year. If there are any unclassified transactions in the transaction list screen, they will be excluded from the profit and loss calculation, and the final calculation results will not be accurate. Please resolve the unclassified transactions first and then complete the profit and loss calculation. (How to use cryptact - README first!)

Q2. Why is the "Market Value" displayed in the live view different from the "Market Value (Market value X position)" displayed on the portfolio screen? There are no error messages when connecting via API.

A. The live view displays the "Market Value" based on the transaction history provided by the exchange through the API integration. On the other hand, the portfolio's "Market Value" is calculated based on the transaction history uploaded by the users to the transaction page. Please verify the following:

  • Please double-check whether all your transaction records have been uploaded to the transaction page and ensure that there are no missing uploads. For exchanges like bitFlyer that do not support API integration, the transaction records uploaded using files from the exchange will appear on the transaction page, but since live view cannot upload records via API, the balance may not match.
  • Please check if you have completed the profit and invalid transactions for the relevant year. If there are any unclassified transactions in the transaction list screen, they will be excluded from the profit and loss calculation, and the final calculation results will not be accurate. Please resolve the unclassified transactions first and then complete the profit and loss calculation. (How to use cryptact - README first!)

Q3. After adding an API key in the live view, I received an error message saying "Invalid API key" or "Access permission error." What should I do?

A. It is possible that the API key was obtained and added using a method different from the one described on the our help page. Please refer to the help page for the correct procedure to obtain the API key.