This page explains the screen display of Portfolio screen.
Please upload all trade histories to cryptact, and clear all invalid transactions. By doing so, your cryptocurrency positions and book values are calculated for your portfolio view.
Correcting invalid transactions - README too!
The market value of your portfolio, the average acquisition price for tax purposes, and the number of coins held will be displayed as a pie chart.
- Market Value:Market Value×Position
- Portfolio Book Value:Book Balue×Position
- Volume By Exchange:Aggregate of each exchange's "Base" converted into yen for each transaction.
- Fee By Exchange:Total fees paid per exchange
At the bottom of the screen, the average acquisition price and unrealized gain/loss for each coin are displayed. It is expected that selling a coin with an unrealized gain will result in a realized gain, and selling a coin with an unrealized loss will result in a realized loss.
3.Exchanges screen
For each exchange, you can see how much you have traded and the total Fee.
For each coin held, its details can be viewed in tabular form.
5.NFT Gallery
You can check the NFTs held.
6.Realized P&L
Realized gains/losses can be checked on the graph.
7.Position and Trading History