This page explains how to process your deposits and withdrawals (transfers) in cryptocurrency when the fees you paid were in legal tender.
As a premise, deposits and withdrawals (transfers) between your own accounts do not affect your total assets and therefore do not impact your profit and loss. Thus, transaction history is not required (excluding fees).
Deposit & Withdrawal History for Cryptocurrency
Deposit & Withdrawal History for Cryptocurrency
Regarding "fees in fiat currency" incurred during deposits and withdrawals, there are no clear guidelines from the government on whether these can be expensed (included in profit and loss calculations).
Therefore, by default, these fees are not included in our system. If you wish to expense these fees and include them in your profit and loss calculations based on the advice of your tax advisor or tax office, you can enter them in a Custom File (see 2-15) and upload the transaction history.
▼Example: A fee of 2,000 yen was incurred when transferring between your own accounts.
Timestamp | Action | Source | Base | Volume | Price | Counter | Fee | FeeCcy | Comment |
Trade datetime*1 | CASH | any | JPY*2 | 0 | 0 | JPY*2 | 2000*3 | JPY*2 | any |
*1 Indicate the date and time of payment.
*2 Select the type of fiat currency used for the payment from the Fiat currencies supported by cryptact. Ensure consistency among the Base, Counter, and FeeCcy.
*3 Specify the amount in the legal currency.