Since STEPN transactions are not automatically handled, you need to reflect your transaction history as custom transactions. This page provides instructions on how to record STEPN transactions in a custom file. (Updated periodically)
※ For calculating STEPN profits and losses, there are no clear guidelines from the National Tax Agency, so be sure to consult with your local tax office or a tax accountant.
For information on STEPN tax calculations and filing tax returns, refer to the article written by a tax accountant "How to Calculate Taxes for STEPN Transactions? A Tax Accountant Explains Tax Filing". (Japanese only)
Examples of Custom Transactions
- Purchasing/Selling Sneakers
- Acquiring GST Tokens
- Repairing Sneakers
- Leveling Up Sneakers
- Acquiring Mystery Boxes/Shoeboxes
- Opening Mystery Boxes/Shoeboxes
- Opening Sockets and Equipping Gems
- Minting Sneakers (without using Scrolls)
- When Successfully Upgrading Gems
- When Gems Upgrade Fails
- Purchasing/Selling Gems
① Purchasing/Selling Sneakers
Refer to How to create custom files for uploading NFT trades.
Example: Purchased Sneaker ABC for 12 SOL, paid a fee of 0.1 SOL.
Timestamp | Action | Source | Base | Volume | Price | Counter | Fee | FeeCcy | Comment |
Transaction Date | BUY | Optional | USER-ABC(*) | 1 | 12 | SOL | 0.1 | SOL | Optional |
(*)Record the sneakers being traded using custom coins.
Example: Sold Sneaker ABC and received 15 SOL. Paid a fee of 0.9 SOL.
Timestamp | Action | Source | Base | Volume | Price | Counter | Fee | FeeCcy | Comment |
Transaction Date | SELL | Optional | USER-ABC(*) | 1 | 15 | SOL | 0.9 | SOL | Optional |
(*)Record the sneakers being traded using custom coins.
② Acquiring GST Tokens
Example: Acquired 3 GST by walking.
Timestamp | Action | Source | Base | Volume | Price | Counter | Fee | FeeCcy | Comments |
Acquisition Date | BONUS | Optional | GST | 3 | Blank(*1) | JPY(*2) | 0.9 | JPY(*2) | Optional |
(*1) If the main currency is a cryptact-supported coin, refer to cryptact's market price (the counter currency must be JPY or another legal currency). If it is not a supported coin, please investigate and record it yourself.
(*2) "Counter Currency" and "Fee Currency" should always be recorded as legal currency. If the fee is incurred in cryptocurrency, please upload a separate LOSS (loss accounting) history.
③ Repairing Sneakers
Example: Used 3 GST to repair sneakers.
Timestamp | Action | Source | Base | Volume | Price | Counter | Fee | FeeCcy | Comments |
Usage Date | LOSS | Optional | GST | 3 | Blank(*1) | JPY | 0(*2) | JPY | Optional |
(*1)Leave the price field blank.
(*2)Always set the fee to 0. If there are fees that can be accounted as expenses, you can either add them to the transaction volume if it's the same currency as the base currency or record a separate transaction for the fee as an expense.
④ Leveling Up Sneakers
The cryptocurrency used for leveling up is considered an expenditure to enhance the NFT's functionality and increase its value. We recommend adding it to the acquisition cost of the sneakers (NFT).
For example, if a sneaker (NFT) acquired with 1 ETH (when 1 ETH = 300,000 JPY) is leveled up using 1 ETH (when 1 ETH = 350,000 JPY), the acquisition cost of the sneaker would be calculated as 300,000 JPY + 350,000 JPY = 650,000 JPY.
Refer to the following help page for the custom file recording method.
How is level-up in STEPN treated in the PnL calculation (level-up of NFT)?
⑤ Acquiring Mystery Boxes/Shoeboxes
When acquiring a mystery box, you do not recognize any income or necessary expenses at that point as the contents are unknown. Uploading a custom file is not required.
⑥ Opening Mystery Boxes/Shoeboxes
Example: The contents were empty (used 5 GST to open the mystery box/shoebox).
Timestamp | Action | Source | Base | Volume | Price | Counter | Fee | FeeCcy | Comments |
Usage Date | LOSS | Optional | GST | 5 | Blank(*1) | JPY | 0 | JPY | Optional |
(*1)Leave the price field blank.
(*2)Always set the fee to 0. If there are fees that can be accounted as expenses, you can either add them to the transaction amount if it's the same currency as the main currency or record a separate transaction for the fee as an expense.
Example: If the contents are gems (used 5 GST to open the mystery box/shoebox. The market value of the gem at the time of acquisition was 0.14 SOL, and 1 SOL = 4,000 JPY)
Timestamp | Action | Source | Base | Volume | Price | Counter | Fee | FeeCcy | Comments |
Usage Date | LOSS | Optional | GST | 5 | Blank(*1) | JPY | 0 | JPY | Optional |
Acquisition Date | BONUS | Optional | USER-GEM1(*2) | 1 | 560 | JPY(*3) | 0 | JPY(*3) | Optional |
(*1)Leave the price field blank.
(*2)Record gems using custom coins.
(*3) "Counter Currency" and "Fee Currency" should always be recorded as legal currency. If the fee is incurred in cryptocurrency, please upload a separate LOSS (loss accounting) history.
⑦ Opening Sockets and Equipping Gems
Record in the same way as ④ Leveling Up Sneakers.
Since cryptact cannot represent a 1-to-multiple coins swap in a single line, please record ① the usage history of the coins and ② the acquisition history of the new sneakers separately.
Note that the mint count of the sneakers referenced during minting will be consumed, but this is not taken into consideration here.
Example: Minted new sneakers. Used 5 GST and 10 GMT. When automatically referring to the market price in cryptact, GST = 1,000 yen, GMT = 2,000 yen.
▼ Example of Recording GST and GMT Usage History
Timestamp | Action | Source | Base | Volume | Price | Counter | Fee | FeeCcy | Comments |
Transaction Date and Time | SELL | Optional | GST | 5 | Blank (*1) | JPY | 0 | JPY | Optional |
Transaction Date and Time | SELL | Optional | GMT | 10 | Blank (*1) | JPY | 0 | JPY | Optional |
(*1) If the base currency is a supported coin in cryptact, the market price in cryptact will be referenced. (Always select a legal currency such as JPY for the counter currency.) If it is not a supported coin, please investigate and fill in the details yourself.
▼ Example of Recording New Sneaker Acquisition History
Timestamp | Action | Source | Base | Volume | Price | Counter | Fee | FeeCcy | Comments |
Usage Date and Time | BUY | Optional | USER-STEPN1 (*1) | 1 | 25,000 (*2) | JPY | 0 | JPY | Optional |
(*1) For sneakers (shoes) being transacted, please use , custom coins.
(*2) Calculated by summing the number of GST used in minting × market price and the number of GMT used × market price
⑨ When Successfully Upgrading Gems
Please record ① the usage history of the gems used as materials and ② the acquisition history of the new gem separately.
Example: Upgraded gem C using gem A worth 1,000 yen and gem B worth 2,000 yen at acquisition. Used 2 GST in the upgrade. When automatically referring to the market price in cryptact, GST = 1,000 yen.
▼ Example of Recording Usage History of gem A, gem B, and GST
Timestamp | Action | Source | Base | Volume | Price | Counter | Fee | FeeCcy |
Transaction Date and Time | SELL | Optional |
USER-GEMA (*1) |
1 |
JPY | 0 | JPY |
Transaction Date and Time | SELL | Optional |
USER-GEMB (*1) |
1 |
JPY | 0 | JPY |
Transaction Date and Time | SELL | Optional |
2 |
Blank (*2) or the price you researched
JPY | 0 | JPY |
(*1) For the gem being transacted , please use custom coins.
(*2) If the price is left blank and the counter currency is JPY, the market price information in cryptact will be automatically used
▼ Example of Recording gem C Acquisition History
Timestamp | Action | Source | Base | Volume | Price | Counter | Fee | FeeCcy |
Transaction Date and Time | BUY | Any |
USER-STEPN1 (*1) |
1 |
JPY | 0 | JPY |
(*1) Please record the sneakers (shoes) being traded using custom coins.
(*2) Calculate the price by summing the price of gem A + price of gem B + the market value of GST used for upgrade.
⑩ When Gems Upgrade Fails
You may consider recording the gems used as a loss. Please note that whether this loss can be accounted for or not will ultimately be determined by the tax office in charge.
Example: gem A worth 1,000 yen and gem B worth 2,000 yen were upgraded, but the upgrade failed, resulting in their loss.
Timestamp | Action | Source | Base | Volume | Price | Counter | Fee | FeeCcy |
Transaction Date and Time | LOSS | Any |
USER-GEMA (*1) |
1 |
Leave blank(*2)
JPY | 0 | JPY |
Transaction Date and Time | LOSS | Any |
USER-GEMB (*1) |
1 |
Leave blank(*2)
JPY | 0 | JPY |
(*1)Please record gems using custom coins.
(*2)Please leave the price field blank.
⑪ Purchasing/selling Gems
If buying/selling or transferring is possible, it may be necessary to recognize them as NFTs. If recording as NFTs, please refer to ① Purchasing/selling sneakers.
As stated in the Terms of Use, cryptact assumes no responsibility for the content mentioned above. Additionally, the content provided here is a general guideline and does not take into account individual circumstances. In the event that the National Tax Agency issues guidelines on NFTs in the future that differ from the above, cryptact will not be held responsible. Please consult your own tax advisor for any tax-related questions.