- Regarding the transaction type "Top up Crypto" used in NEXO files, it is applied to various transaction histories, including those that did not affect profit and loss calculations in the past. Therefore, we have implemented a specification to prevent its reflection even if uploaded.
- Regarding the history of loan repayments and interest, the repayment amounts are recorded in the file including the interest you have paid. This makes it difficult for third parties to discern how much of the repayment amount is interest. Therefore, we do not automatically handle the histories of "loan repayments" and "interest" separately. (However, we do automatically handle the history of the loans themselves.)
How to Download Transaction History
1.After logging in, select "Transactions" at the top of the screen.
Select the dates on 'Start Date' and 'End Date,' and specify 'All Types' and 'All Assets' then click Export CSV.
Upload NEXO transaction history