A. We regret to inform you that you will no longer be able to view your transaction history data immediately after the expiration date. Additionally, from the perspective of server load, the transaction history data will be completely deleted and cannot be restored 30 days after the expiration date.
Data Retention Policy after Changing Subscription
Since the new pricing plan will be selectable from September 9, 2024, only the old pricing plan can be selected on September 8, 2024 and before. In your case, if you wish to retain the data, please consider subscribing to the old paid plan before the data is deleted.
6. How to Change Plans/How to Subscribe to Paid Plans
We have prepared a special coupon for customers using cryptact's paid plan who are considering continuing with the old paid plan. For details on the application conditions, please check the news page below.
"Continue with your current plan" campaign(Japanese only)