What is "Allow marginal close violations"

This article explains the "Allow marginal close violations" function.



  1. What is "Allow marginal close violations"
  2. How to configure "Allow marginal close violations"
  3. How to check transactions that were auto-adjusted by "Allow marginal close violations"


1. What is "Allow marginal close violations"

This function allows the system to ignore over-sell violations and calculate the PNL as long as over-sell violations are within the threshold set by the user. (*The default threshold is 100 JPY equivalent).
For a transaction that would otherwise be an invalid transaction due to over-sell violation, assuming that it is within the set threshold, the system automatically adjusts the quantity on the transaction so that it completely closes out the position and includes it in the PNL calculation.

[Related articles]
■Correcting invalid transactions

2. How to configure "Allow marginal close violations"

1.From the "Transactions" screen, click on setting button.
スクリーンショット 2023-08-10 142830.png

2.In the "Allow marginal close violations" under the Advanced settings, enable/disable the setting and/or set the threshold, and click "Update".
(*The default is 100 JPY equivalent).

* Please use your own discretion. If you set the threshold too large, the system's ability to alert you when you have insufficient positions becomes less, increasing the risk of having missing trade history from your ledger. 


3. How to check transactions that were auto-adjusted by "Allow marginal close violations"

▼Transactions that were auto-adjusted by "Allow marginal close violations" are displayed with yellow highlights in the Transactions tab.



▼You can also filter them by selecting the "Status" as "Warning" and clicking "Apply".



Your BTC position was only 1, but a transaction that sells more than 1 BTC (1.00000001BTC) was uploaded. Normally, this transaction would become invalid due to a short-sell violation and is excluded from the PNL calculation. However, 1.00000001BTC is less than 100JPY in JPY equivalent (assuming the threshold is set to 100JPY), so the violation is ignored and the position is auto-adjusted by the system.





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